GDPR stands for Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
Right to erasure
The right to erasure of personal data is one of the seven rights that data subjects have over their personal data enshrined in the GDPR, namely:
- The right to information;
- The right to access;
- The right of rectification;
- The right to erasure;
- The right to limitation of processing;
- The right to data portability;
- The right to object.
Right to limitation
The right to restrict the processing of personal data is one of the seven rights that data subjects have over their personal data enshrined in the GDPR, namely:
- The right to information;
- The right to access;
- The right of rectification;
- The right to erasure;
- The right to limitation of processing;
- The right to data portability;
- The right to object.
Right to portability
The right to portability of personal data is one of the seven rights that data subjects have over their personal data enshrined in the GDPR, namely:
- The right to information;
- The right to access;
- The right of rectification;
- The right to erasure;
- The right to limitation of processing;
- The right to data portability;
- The right to object.
Right to rectification
The right to one’s image, which is derived from the right to privacy, is a personality right which allows, as its name indicates, the protection of the image of the person.
Right of access
The right of access to personal data is one of the seven rights that data subjects have over their personal data enshrined in the GDPR, namely:
- The right to information;
- The right to access;
- The right of rectification;
- The right to erasure;
- The right to limitation of processing;
- The right to data portability;
- The right to object.
Right to information
The author is the person at the origin of a work of the mind and who has as such intellectual property rights (literary and artistic property) whose protection lasts until seventy years after the death of the author and arises from the sole fact of creation – subject to the originality of the work.
Right to object
The right to object to the processing of personal data is one of the seven rights that data subjects have over their personal data enshrined in the GDPR, namely:
- The right to information;
- The right to access;
- The right of rectification;
- The right to erasure;
- The right to limitation of processing;
- The right to data portability;
- The right to object.
The processor is the natural or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the controller.
Software is a set of programs, processes and rules, and possibly documentation, related to the operation of a data processing system.
Spoofing refers to a malicious action consisting in usurping all or part of the identity of a natural or legal person, in order to obtain an illegitimate advantage.
The SYRELI procedure (SYstème de REsolution de Litiges) is one of the two out-of-court procedures for resolving domain name disputes operated by AFNIC.
Special categories of data
Special categories of personal data within the meaning of the GDPR are those revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health and data concerning sex life or sexual orientation.
Standard Contract Clauses
(STC) Standard contractual clauses are model agreements for the processing of personal data adopted by the European Commission and covering the following categories of personal data transfers
Typosquatting is the registration of a domain name that is similar to a trademark, a brand name, a family name or another domain name in order to deliberately create a risk of confusion in the mind of the Internet user and thus deceive him.
Terms and Conditions of Sale
The general terms and conditions of sale (GTC) are the means by which a seller informs its customers of the conditions it proposes for the sale of its products.
(Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) The UDRP is an alternative dispute resolution process for the registration and use of top level domain names (.com, .biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org…) as well as those corresponding to country codes that have voluntarily adopted the UDRP.
Video surveillance refers to the capture, transmission and recording of images taken in places not open to the public (offices, store reserves, closed condominiums …).
(Virtual Private Network) A VPN is a private communication channel that most often uses the Internet infrastructure to transmit data that is generally protected by encryption techniques.
The WHOIS is a directory containing technical information about the holders of domain names and is free to access.