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Bouchara Avocats
The Site is the exclusive property of Bouchara Avocats, a private limited company with a capital of €150,000, registered with the PARIS Trade and Companies Register under number D 533 862 595, whose registered office is located at 17 rue du Colisée – 75008 PARIS, and whose intra-community VAT number is FR39533862595
Phone: +33 1 42 25 42 30
Fax: +33 1 42 25 42 31
Mail : info@cabinetbouchara.com
Director of the publication
Vanessa BOUCHARA, in her capacity as manager of the company Bouchara Avocats.
Website host
Web concept design SARL
Parc d’Activités du Thal, 9 rue du Thal
67210 Obernai
Phone : +33 3 88 950 001
Fax: +33 3 88 470 122
Mail : info@webcd.fr
Creation and web design
Les Semeurs Agency
14, avenue Trudaine
75009 PARIS
Tel: +33 1 84 25 16 99
Email : contact@les-semeurs.com
Website : les-semeurs.com
Photo credits
Unplash ; Pexels